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As an Iranian-American my blog will portray both the Middle Eastern and the American viewpoints in a unbiased fashion.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Election is Over

Congratulations to Barack Obama on being elected the 44th president of the United States in a landslide victory over John McCain. This is a momentous day in American history as Obama is the first ever African-American president. This election shows the greatness of the United States that although it took many years, we were able to overcome racial differences to elect a man who is thoroughly qualified to run this country. Truly America has come a long way and now more than ever I can say that I am proud to be an American.

We must also give credit to Obama's opponent John McCain who is a maverick and a true American hero. After he lost the Iowa primaries, many declared that McCain had no chance of capturing the Republican candidacy, but true to McCain's character that was shown in Vietnam, he fought on and decisively became the Republican nominee. McCain's spirit of never giving up was a true inspiration to me and millions of other Americans.

At the beginning of the Presidential race the two candidates were very close in the polls. One week we would see Obama in the lead and another week we would see McCain with strong support. What truly determined this election was the faltering economy. McCain waivered on the economy while Obama presented a strong plan and seemed much more confident. In the end the American people seem to trust Obama's economic prowess more than McCain's. Also McCain was put in a very difficult spot trying to run for a party whose president was tremendously unpopular. President Bush's popularity certainly did not help John McCain. Finally, I believe that McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate was a mistake. I know that he was trying to appeal to conservatives and to women, but he would have done much better if he had chosen someone from a battleground state such as Pennsylvania or Ohio. Before McCain's choice of Palin, I was undecided between he and Obama, but after I became an Obama supporter. I believe this is true for many other Americans who say Palin's views as being radical.

In the end Obama ran an excellent campaign and I am happy that he won this election. I hope to see him deliver on the many promises he made during the campaign and see a true change in America. God Bless America.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Blogs to Keep an Eye On

1. The Issue on Taxes

IGetNoSleep presents this interesting blog on the issue of taxes. He does an excellent job explaining in depth the different type of taxes and their affects on the different classes of American people. The tax issue is one of a few issues that apply directly to everyone in the country since we are all expected to pay them. Also IGetNoSleep's issue is of great importance in this election period. We are at a point in which our decision now will shape the tax policy for the next four years. The two candidates running for president have contrasting tax plans which makes it important for us as citizens to understand them. IGetNoSleep's blog has helped me decide the tax plan that is most suitable by providing the candidates tax plan and expressing the pros and cons of each.

2. Stocking the Market

The Brown Man's blog, Stocking the Market, is by far one of my favorite blogs over the last month. In a time when the economy is faltering, congress is passing 700 billion dollars in bailout, and companies are failing, the economy is the greatest issue in US politics today. This is apparent by issue polls which indicate that over sixty percent of American voters believe the economy is the greatest issue. Understanding the reasons for the economic failure and possible solutions is complex, but that is where Brown Man is so great. He presents evidence of why the economy is in recession in language that is easy to understand yet in depth. He makes sense of the issue while offering his solution to the problem. During these times of economic downturn, Stocking the Market is a great blog to learn from.

3. Fighting the "Enemy"

Revan's blolg Fighting the "Enemy" explains the US situation in Iraq. Revan blogs about how the US presence in Iraq is shaping the way the US is viewed around the world and how the war in Iraq is having detrimental effects in both America and Iraq. Revan explores both candidates ideas about the war, in which McCain believes that the US should remain in Iraq until we are victorious and Iraq is a stable democracy. On the other hand Obama would like to set a sixteen month timetable to withdraw from Iraq because our presence is creating resentment towards America and our economy is in bad shape. Revan explains the issue and solutions in an unbiased manner which makes this blog a must follow in order to stay up to date with what is going on in Iraq

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm My Own Critic

The transformation of my ideas and knowledge of Middle Eastern politics has been drastic greatly due to the blog project. I entered this project with with ideals towards the Middle East shaped by my basic knowledge of the area, but over the past month or so and hours of research, I have expanded my understanding and appreciation of the region. I now realize the importance of Middle East in the global spectrum as it is both physically and spiritually the center of the world. It is the birthplace of the three main monotheistic faiths and is the greatest provider of the world's energy.

Although even before this project I had very unbiased views on Middle Eastern issues, I lacked the in depth understanding of the regions history and causes of struggle. After conducting my research I have attained greater awareness of the region which allow me to not only analyze the situations we are in now, but also offer solutions to the persistent struggles.

The Israeli Palestinian conflict has deep roots as both sides have reason to feel that they have been taken advantage of. The Jewish people were slaughtered, humiliated, and obliterated during WWII in Europe. In response to their catastrophe the UN decided to declare the state of Israel in Palestine. This led to Palestinians being kicked out of their homelands and major resentment towards the west. The blog project has shown me that both sides have a legitimate reason to believe that they deserve sole possession of the area, but I believe that the youth and moderates of both sides must work with one another to create a unified land with free and fair elections.

Before the blog project I was apathetic towards the Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. I just thought they were another extreme group of people looking for independence, but after my research my views changed. The Kurds are actually an organized group of people with their own culture and ideals. They have been confined and restricted for hundreds of years and are legitimately fighting for their independence.

Also prior to this project I thought that the US should withdraw from Iraq immediately. After doing my research I now understand the great consequences we face if we leave Iraq too early. If we leave to early we will witness a civil war in Iraq that will spill over to neighboring countries and could spark WWIII. It is best that we withdraw from Iraq slowly in a responsible manner that will allow the Iraqi government to attain power over its country.

Finally and most importantly at the moment, the project has familiarized me with both Obama's and McCain's views on the Middle East. Obama wants to use more diplomacy and increase American legitimacy. Also he wants to withdraw troops from Iraq in a sixteen month period. On the other hand McCain wants to sure up our security through the enlargement of our armed forces. He also promises to stay in Iraq until we are victorious and Iraq is a secure democracy.

What is so great about this project is that it not only expanded my knowledge of Middle East politics, but it also introduced me to several different topics such as the economy and the energy crisis as well as the issue of taxes in the current presidential race. The blog project has made me a more well rounded person and has increased my intellectual presence.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Linking the Middle East

Throughout the course of my blogging project on the Middle East I have encountered many different websites with varying viewpoints and objectives. Here is a list of links that I have referred to repeatedly and believe will aid those who are looking for a deeper understanding on this issue.

1. Barack Obama's platform on foreign policy:

It is necessary for US voters to be aware of where their potential president stands on the issue of the Middle East. Obama's website provides his viewpoints on Middle East Politics that will help voters decide whether they agree with his ideas or not. Obama wants to engage in talks with Iran, end the Iraq war in 16 months, and increase American diplomacy in the region.

2.John McCain's platform on foreign policy:

McCain's website provides his viewpoints on the steps we must take to secure American interests in the Middle East. McCain has promised victory in Iraq before troop withdrawal, a harsher approach towards Iran's nuclear wants, and promise to protect American interests.

3. History of the Middle East links:

Iraq's sectarian History

History of Iran and US Relations

History of Israeli and Palestinian Conflict

History of the Kurdish Struggle

All of these links give a fair and unbiased reference to the conflicts we see today in the Middle East. In order to understand both the Middle Eastern and US viewpoint it is necessary that you know the history. In order to formulate the best solution for both the US and Middle Eastern nations it is necessary that you understand the history. Basically considering the history gives us the best chance to cease the conflicts in the Middle East.


Obviously if we do not find a solution for a peace process in the Middle East, we will find ourselves in an atrocious situation. Since the war in Iraq is the greatest conflict in the Middle East right now I will focus this post on the fallout to a failed Iraq policy. If we take the path of staying in Iraq and establishing military bases in the country we will face grave outcomes. The US will lose legitimacy globally which will lead to the loss of key allies. Establishing military bases in Iraq will only increase anti-American sentiment in the region. This will lead to more extremism and more terrorist recruitment. If this path is taken we can expect more terrorist activity throughout the globe, meaning more loss of life both for American troops and innocent citizens around the world.

The other path that will lead us into greater conflict in the region would be if we left Iraq too early. If we leave Iraq before their forces are able to maintain stability and protect their own people and borders then we will see an escalation to the conflict. We can already see sectarian violence between the Sunni and Shiite sects in Iraq with US military presence. Now imagine the US not there to decrease the fighting. Without the US or Iraqi military presence the two sects would go after each other with more intensity. The civil war in Iraq will spill over to neighboring countries. Iran will take the side of the Shiite and Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations will take the side of the Sunni. We will see a front started in Lebanon as Sunni and Shiite are already in conflict there. Ultimately this action will lead to WWIII and in the end the US will have to get involved once again with an even bigger problem than they had left.

It is in US and the world's best interest that we resolve the Iraq war now so that we can avoid even greater consequences in the future.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

US strike in Syria

According to AFP, the United States military has conducted an assault on a building in a small border town in Syria. The American choppers departed from Iraq and entered Syrian airspace, landed in the Syrian village, and took out what they claim as insurgent targets. Syria on the other hand claims that the US killed eight civilians; A father and his four children, a couple, and another man. Syria has denounced the US action as terrorist acts and the US Department of Defense released no comment about the mission. There has been global outcry for the US mission as the military has yet to explain the circumstances. Many in the media believe that this attack carried out by the military is just a political ploy by George Bush. There has been reports that US intelligence had been following the target for several months and had many opportunities before to take him down. Instead Bush waited for a really sensitive time in American politics, where the presidential election is only days away and the nominee from his party is losing in all the major polls. Many claim that Bush ordered these attacks to instill fear in the American voter and to push them into voting for McCain. Even if this accusation is not true, it is irresponsible for the US to violate an independent countries borders. We must not take these types of actions or else we will lose even more legitimacy in the world and it will harm us greater in the future.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The issue of Middle East politics and foreign policy has two main polarized sides. There is the Neoconservative approach and the Liberal approach. Here is a description of each point of view:

1. Neoconservative approach- want to protect US interests by any means possible, Tend to be more militaristic in nature, Examples are Bush and McCain’s approach to the Middle East, which includes the Bush Doctrine established after September 11th. (mostly Republicans)

2. The Liberal approach uses more diplomacy and US soft power as a way to protect US interests in the Middle East, Aid through food, medicine and weapons for allies, Negotiations rather than bombings.(mostly democrats)

Solution: The only way to clearly understand the best solution to protecting our interests in the Middle East is to understand the history of conflicts, religion, and culture in the Middle East. Also experiencing the culture and ethics of the Middle East by living in the region will enhance decision making skills. We must come up with a balanced solution that would both benefit us and the Middle East. We must increase US support in the region and deter terrorist recruitment by providing aid such as food and medicine. Improving American legitimacy will improve America’s ability to protect its interests.

In Iraq, we must slowly transfer power to the Iraqi government and withdraw over an extended period of time depending on the readiness of Iraqi troops to protect their citizens, border, and maintain stability. A small US force should remain in Iraq to train troops and the US should invest in soft diplomacy by sending food and aid to the people.

In Iran, we must engage in direct negotiation at the highest level in order to come up with a solution beneficial to both US and Iran. The best solution would be one in which Iran will attain nuclear energy that it requires, but does not have the capability to create a weapon. Also the US should support reformers in Iran that want to make the country more moderate.

The Israeli and Palestinian conflict is by far the hardest conflict to offer a solution to. I believe that the only solution to this problem is to focus on the younger generation citizens in the area. We must stop the appeal to extremism on both sides and the best way to do this is to educate the youth so that they are tolerant.