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As an Iranian-American my blog will portray both the Middle Eastern and the American viewpoints in a unbiased fashion.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Middle East and I

In order to understand an issue in the most balanced manner, it is essential for you to experience both sides of the argument. Experience is exceptionally important on the issue of US policy towards the Middle East. The United States and the Middle East are on opposite sides of the world and represent a difference in culture, language, and religion. Thus the two sides portray differing ideals and governmental policies. It is difficult for an American to understand the Middle East when they have lived in the West all their lives as it is difficult for a Syrian or Palestinian to understand American customs and policies.
Luckily for me, I have been able to experience both a Middle Eastern and American (western) lifestyle. I was born in Tehran, Iran one of the world’s few theocracies. I lived in Iran for four years, fully engulfed in Persian culture and Islamic traditions. At the age of four my family and I moved to the United States and here I was met with a new culture and ideals. By living in both the West and the Middle East I am able to see both sides in a balanced manner. I am able to decipher through the falsities and truths that both sides portray. The issue of Us policy towards the Middle East is greatly important to me because I would like to give others the same opportunity I had in understanding both sides of the issue before coming to any biased conclusions. By using my American-Iranian background, I can present factors that affect the Middle East and America in a balanced and unbiased approach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I find it interesting that you were able to live in both the US as well as Iran and that you have personal experience on the issue. This is very helpful because it is concrete solid information that you are providing for your argument instead of just taking a side on the issue based on what you have read from someone elses argument.

Def will be coming back to comment on the next post.


Robert Lapp