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As an Iranian-American my blog will portray both the Middle Eastern and the American viewpoints in a unbiased fashion.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm My Own Critic

The transformation of my ideas and knowledge of Middle Eastern politics has been drastic greatly due to the blog project. I entered this project with with ideals towards the Middle East shaped by my basic knowledge of the area, but over the past month or so and hours of research, I have expanded my understanding and appreciation of the region. I now realize the importance of Middle East in the global spectrum as it is both physically and spiritually the center of the world. It is the birthplace of the three main monotheistic faiths and is the greatest provider of the world's energy.

Although even before this project I had very unbiased views on Middle Eastern issues, I lacked the in depth understanding of the regions history and causes of struggle. After conducting my research I have attained greater awareness of the region which allow me to not only analyze the situations we are in now, but also offer solutions to the persistent struggles.

The Israeli Palestinian conflict has deep roots as both sides have reason to feel that they have been taken advantage of. The Jewish people were slaughtered, humiliated, and obliterated during WWII in Europe. In response to their catastrophe the UN decided to declare the state of Israel in Palestine. This led to Palestinians being kicked out of their homelands and major resentment towards the west. The blog project has shown me that both sides have a legitimate reason to believe that they deserve sole possession of the area, but I believe that the youth and moderates of both sides must work with one another to create a unified land with free and fair elections.

Before the blog project I was apathetic towards the Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. I just thought they were another extreme group of people looking for independence, but after my research my views changed. The Kurds are actually an organized group of people with their own culture and ideals. They have been confined and restricted for hundreds of years and are legitimately fighting for their independence.

Also prior to this project I thought that the US should withdraw from Iraq immediately. After doing my research I now understand the great consequences we face if we leave Iraq too early. If we leave to early we will witness a civil war in Iraq that will spill over to neighboring countries and could spark WWIII. It is best that we withdraw from Iraq slowly in a responsible manner that will allow the Iraqi government to attain power over its country.

Finally and most importantly at the moment, the project has familiarized me with both Obama's and McCain's views on the Middle East. Obama wants to use more diplomacy and increase American legitimacy. Also he wants to withdraw troops from Iraq in a sixteen month period. On the other hand McCain wants to sure up our security through the enlargement of our armed forces. He also promises to stay in Iraq until we are victorious and Iraq is a secure democracy.

What is so great about this project is that it not only expanded my knowledge of Middle East politics, but it also introduced me to several different topics such as the economy and the energy crisis as well as the issue of taxes in the current presidential race. The blog project has made me a more well rounded person and has increased my intellectual presence.

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